Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Well, I actually don't have a lot on the menu right now. Partly because Alex is picky and partly because I dont know what to feed him.

We always have dry cereal first. I listed some of the kinds in the previous post.

Sometimes we have these waffles- he really likes these and they happen to be dairy free! (Sadly the french toast sticks are not)
Sometimes we have banana (with mixed berry, strawberry, or orange) baby food (yes, he will still eat it! and he refuses to eat a real banana!)

Sometimes I can get him to eat soy yogurt

And sometimes its a cereal bar on the go

I am afraid to try eggs till we get him tested again soon. He did like bacon when we gave him some on a random Sunday as a treat. And I should probably try pancakes again (the first time, he wouldn't eat them and I am not going to all that trouble to have him not eat them!)

Any other suggestions??

1 comment:

Ryan and Amy said...

Hi! I'm from NC and found your blog through my friend Shelby's blog. I was so excited to see a milk-free blog. i've never even thought to look for one! crazy. My son is 21 months and has a milk allergy. We found out when he was 11 months. anyway, he loves waffles for breakfast, but i've always just made them with bisquick and rice milk. I read somewhere that bisquick was ok. It does have a "D" on the front of the box, which that confuses me. Anyway, here's a suggestion for breakfast. My son loves oatmeal. I make the Quaker Oats 1-minute kind with water and a little rice milk. I'll add maybe a little sugar and frozen blueberries. The blueberries help cool it off too so it's not too hot for him. he's also had it with strawberries. Anyway, so look forward to seeing your other ideas. I'm going to look for those waffles you use!